
A concussion is an “invisible injury,” making it difficult to recognize and manage.

An estimated 1 in 165 Canadian adults suffer a concussion each year.1,2


Concussions are the most common form of brain injury. They are caused by a hard blow to the head, neck, or body resulting in rapid movement of the brain within the skull. This movement causes damage to the nerve fibres within the brain and can change the way the brain functions.

The causes of concussion are from falls, motor vehicle crashes, and sports and recreation activities. In BC, 61% of concussion hospitalizations are males. The highest hospitalization rates are in the 0-19 and 65+ age groups.3

You may have a concussion even though you did not hit your head, or if there are no immediate signs or symptoms—concussion symptoms can be delayed for hours or even a few days. Concussion symptoms vary from person to person and case to case. Some people may experience only one or two symptoms, while others experience many more.

You do not need to be woken up every 2 hours on the first night once you’ve been diagnosed with concussion.

Immediate recognition is the key to concussion recovery.

90% of concussions DO NOT involve a loss of consciousness.

Most concussions resolve without complications when managed appropriately. Most people recover from concussion within 2 to 4 weeks, but 15 to 30% of people with a concussion will experience persistent symptoms. An injured brain is vulnerable to stress and re-injury. When you have a concussion, you are at a three times higher risk of suffering another concussion. Delaying seeking treatment of a concussion can lead to long-term consequences.

Click here to view the Concussion Pathway (PDF) to learn how to respond to a potential concussion.

Immediate Signs of Concussion

  • Lying on the ground without moving
  • Slow to get up
  • Grabbing or holding head in hands
  • Looking dazed
  • Acting confused, not sure what is happening
  • Slurring speech, not speaking clearly
  • Stumbling, poor balance or coordination
  • Restless

Symptoms of Concussion

  • Headache
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Seeing stars (light or dark spots in your vision)
  • Sensitivity to bright lights
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tiredness or drowsiness
  • Not feeling right, feeling off
  • Frustration, annoyance, or anger
  • Anxiousness
  • Sadness
  • Sleeping Problems

If you have any symptoms, unusual behaviour, or you are just feeling strange after the incident, seek medical care from a licensed medical professional who can diagnose a concussion.

The first step in concussion recovery is to rest for 24 to 48 hours.

  • Minimize strenuous physical and cognitive activity.
  • Take naps if needed.

After the first two days it is important you gradually start to be more active. Follow a Return to Activity (PDF) plan in consultation with a licensed medical professional.


Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)

CATT modules are available in both English and French, providing tailored concussion eLearning educational resources for medical professionals, coaches, parents and caregivers, school professionals, high performance athletes, workers and workplaces, and women’s support workers working with survivors of intimate partner violence.

Work is in progress to create and evaluate a new CATT module for high school participants in sports.

A screenshot of the homepage for

Learn more about the Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)


SHRed Concussions

Researchers at BCIRPU are conducting a study to improve recognition and management of sports-related concussion in youth. Surveillance in High Schools to Reduce Concussions and Consequences of Concussions (SHRed Concussions) is a multi-year longitudinal, Canada-wide, cohort study aimed at reducing the burden of sport-related concussions and their consequences across youth sport populations. Researchers are recruiting high school athletes who participate in rugby.

Visit the SHRed Concussions study page for more information.

Follow-up visits after pediatric concussion in British Columbia (2024)

Exploring first follow-up visits for 22,601 children and youth ages 5-18 years with concussive injury in BC, 19% had early follow-up, 5% later follow-up, and 76% no follow-up. While early follow-up is important to support concussion recovery among children and youth, over three-quarters of known cases in BC do not receive follow-up in BC. This study was published in 2024.

Concussion Awareness Training Tool for Youth evaluation (2024)

The CATT for Youth online e-learning module was found to improve concussion knowledge and beliefs about capabilities among high school students. The study was published in 2024.

CATT as continuing medical education (2023)

CATT is an evidence-based, accessible resource for physicians to learn how to diagnose and treat concussion. Identifying barriers and facilitators to implementing concussion education will inform optimal ways to reach physicians. Physicians reported lack of time for continuing education, and not knowing about this resource, while those familiar with CATT reported its ease of use, accessibility, conciseness, and comprehensiveness as facilitators. The study was published in 2023.

Supporting concussion recovery, return-to-work, and identifying resource gaps (2022)

Facilitators to successful concussion recovery and return-to-work include treatment, social support, and workplace and lifestyle modifications. These facilitators can be enhances through widespread education, concussion recovery guidelines, changing attitudes, supports for mental health, and understanding that each concussion experience is different. This study was published in 2022.

Supporting school concussion policy development and return to school (2021)

Evidence-based concussion training and resources are key components to both school professionals working collaboratively to support individualized student return to school, and to developing school or district concussion policies. The study was published in 2021.

Children and youth (0-19 years) have longer recovery times than adults.


Taking steps to prevent concussion requires a combination of increased awareness, action, and education.

  • Use the appropriate equipment: Hard hats at worksites and helmets worn during sport and recreational activity can protect from serious skull or dental injuries, but they DO NOT prevent the brain from moving around when there is an impact to the head or body. Required equipment for work, sport, or activity should be in good condition and fit properly.
  • Support concussion reporting: Supporting a positive environment for reporting concussion symptoms sooner can make the biggest difference in preventing more serious concussion outcomes and associated risks.
  • Promote responsibility and fair play: Be responsible for your own actions and in action to protect yourself and others from concussion. Encourage fair play in sport and model respect and sportsmanship in the presence of others.
  • Create safe work environments: Create a culture of reporting, support injured workers, conduct workplace risk assessments, and provide concussion prevention training. Reduce slips, trips, and falls by decluttering walkways and workspaces, cleaning up spills, and using appropriate signage.
  • Change policy to reduce violent incidents: Enhance personal safety addressing inadequate lighting and barriers that block sight lines and escape routes. Create workplace policies, provide training, adjust staffing levels, provide means of emergency communication, and exercise vigilance.
  • Educate yourself and others: Learning about concussions helps to understand how serious a concussion can be. It also provides the tools to recognize and report a concussion if suspected.

Accurate diagnosis, proper management, appropriate follow-up is important.

Click below to view additional concussion data:

Click below to view additional concussion resources:

Related News

1. Cassidy, J. D., Carroll, L., Peloso, P., Borg, J., Von Holst, H., Holm, L., … & Coronado, V. (2004). Incidence, risk factors and prevention of mild traumatic brain injury: results of the WHO Collaborating Centre Task Force on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 36 (0), 28 – 60. Available from

2. Ryu, W. H. A., Feinstein, A., Colantonio, A., Streiner, D. L., & Dawson, D. R. (2009). Early identification and incidence of mild TBI in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 36(4), 429-435. Available from

3. Data Source: Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ministry of Health, BCIRPU Injury Data Online Tool, 2021.