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The Canadian Injury Prevention Curriculum (CIPC) is a unique curriculum that focuses on injury prevention theory and practice. It is the first curriculum of its kind, targeted to health professionals and other key stakeholders whose work includes injury prevention. The focus of the curriculum is on the epidemiology of injury, the principles of injury prevention, injury data systems, applied research and planning methodologies, and program development and evaluation.
The curriculum is meant for adult learners who, because of their functions or responsibilities, are likely to conduct research activities or develop, implement, or evaluate programs aimed at improving safety and reducing the frequency and severity of both intentional and unintentional injury.
Contact us at bcinjury@bcchr.ca if you are interested in enrolling in the CIPC or hosting a session.
The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit is a leader in the production and transfer of injury prevention knowledge and the integration of evidence-based injury prevention practices in the daily lives of those at risk, those who care for them, and those with a mandate for public health and safety in British Columbia.